Yoga Practices for Mamas-to-Be: Hip Circles

Hip Circles are a great way to work into the soft tissues and ligaments in and around the pelvis. This movement is brilliant to use during labour from a low lunge position, especially if labour has stalled, or is progressing slowly, as it helps to create a wider pelvic opening for Baby to descend. As …

Yoga Practices for Pregnancy: Spiralling your way to openness (workshop five)

In my previous post, we explored Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), with particular attention given to establishing a solid foundation. Trikonasana is a strong, yet accessible shape, that can strengthen your legs and lower back and open your hips and shoulders. In workshop five, we explore ways of opening to possibilities during labour, from a physical and …

Turning inward: the power of your breath

Your breath is a simple and immediate way to reconnect with, and centre, yourself. Breath forms the base of any yoga practise and is one way that everybody has within their reach, to alter stress responses. The following offers you insight into: the power of breath and the impact it has on our nervous system; …