Yoga Practices for Mamas-to-Be: Seated Twists with Neck Stretch

Seated Twists encourage spinal mobility and help to release, as well as tonne, muscles in the torso and neck. Moving in and out of the twists can promote good digestion as it massages the abdominal organs. Seated twists are safe to do during pregnancy as the belly isn’t compressed in any way, leaving plenty of …

Yoga Practices for Mamas-to-Be: Seated Cat Cow

Seated Cat Cow is an excellent sequence to lubricate the joints in the spine and maintain flexibility in the neck, back, chest, hips and shoulders. Flowing between these two shapes massages the abdominal organs and may help to relieve tension from the body. Cat Cow enables us to synchronise movement with the breath, which may …

Yoga Practices for Pregnancy: Feeding Your Body and Baby Postpartum (workshop six)

In my previous post, we unpacked the benefits of performing Hip Circles to support the uterine soft tissues to be released and function optimally. Hip Circles are wonderful to incorporate in warm ups to encourage blood flow and gently lengthen the soft tissues in and around the pelvis. This week, we explore ways to initiate …